Thursday, January 31, 2013

Independent Component #1


a.) "I, Dean Nolan, affirm that I have completed my independent component, which represents 30 hours of comprehensive work."

b.) Although my mentor is Gregory Cohen, the main source I used to complete the independent component hours, is my participation in the IPOLY play, “Lady of the House.”

c.) I have provided a digital spreadsheet of my 30+ hours below.

d.) I have explained in detail below, what I completed in the 30 + hour requirement.


My 30 hours of work began before my audition. I spent many hours reading through the script and getting to know and understand the various characters. During auditions, my goal was to land the leading male role, which is exactly what I was able to do. I practiced various ways of playing this character, and also received many hours of coaching by Mr. Hogan, as to which way he thought I should play the character best. I spent multiple hours every week rehearsing with Mr. Hogan and my fellow cast members. I rehearsed after school directly with the cast members at IPOLY, as well as, rehearsing many hours at home on my own. In addition to memorizing my many lines, I spent several hours figuring out the best costume for the character, what marks I needed to stand at during my delivery, and how to use the wireless microphone effectively.


My independent component helped me understand the foundation of my topic better, by giving me an opportunity to study for a character and look within myself to define how that character should be portrayed. I had to draw on my personal past experiences and relate those emotions to my character. In addition, I observed others studying for their roles and talked with them about how they concluded what was the best way for them to play the parts that they were given. My topic, “How does one best use Method Acting to prepare for a role?” was completely infused by my participation of the IPOLY play “Lady of the House.” Method acting, as defined by Farlex, is an acting technique introduced by Stanislavsky in which an actor recalls emotions or reactions from his or her own life and uses them to identify with the character being portrayed. All throughout my 30 + hours of studying these characters and rehearsing for the play, I was immersed into understanding the foundation of my topic. Every character in the play provided me an opportunity to analyze myself, the situations the characters found themselves in and how I personally would react and feel in those same given situations. Method acting is described as looking within yourself of how you and/or others may view a person and their reaction to different situations. There were about a dozen different characters in the play, “Lady of the House,” and I was able to identify with, and study each and every one of them. And that study, is what contributed to my thoroughly understanding my topic of, how one uses method acting to prepare for a role.

  • Audition, 2 days Hours 2 days for 1.5 hrs. 3
    School Rehearsals Hours, M/T/W 3:15-5:15 Nov & Dec 29
    Home Rehearsals Hours 1/2hr x 3 x a week 12
    The Play x 4 Performances Hours 4:00-9:00 x 4 20
    • TOTAL HOURS: 64


Grading Criteria
  • Log on a digital spreadsheet
  • Evidence of 30 hours of work
  • LIA submitted to blog

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