Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Blog 1

    Literal (Need to know)   
     I planned to find my mentorship by using my old sources. My first source was one of my grandpa's friends. However, after three weeks of trying to finally group with him and learn about how he acts, he decides to not do it. So, instead of it, I decide to actually go with my old mentors. I took acting lessons in the past, and it would be well do use them again. Their names are Jessica Nash and Jeremy Bernard. I went over to them in person at the Rancho Cucamonga Arts Center. They decided to actually help me out but they weren't doing any classes that summer.

     I think we need mentorship because we, the students, cannot learn from the computer websites as well as we can actually learn from actual people who have done it. So mentors can give us not only the knowledge, but the experience we need to actually perform the Senior Project to it's maximum potential. For example, we can pull up examples of what our mentor actually did in the situation we talked about. So in a way, it's a bit like a failsafe for us to use. 

      Unfortunately, Jessica and Jeremy promised to help me after they got done with their play in San Diego. Sadly, they have yet to return still. So I just have to wait for them to return. But I am sure I can use them. If I have too much trouble with them however, I will just plan to find more sources from the listings people have put up.

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