Title: Senior
Project Reflection
Please answer the following questions and turn it in to the blog.
Due Date: The
day after your two-hour presentation by 8:00 A.M.
(1) Positive
Statement: What are you
most proud of in your 2-Hour Presentation and/or your senior project? Why?
The activity for the 2-hour really brought light to the subject. I thought every student would hate performing in front of the class, but recieving the accomedations after the presentation proved my insight to be wrong. This was my proudest moment of my Senior Year.
(2) Questions to Consider:What assessment would you give yourself on your 2-Hour Presentation (self-assessment)? What assessment would you give yourself on your overall senior project (self-assessment)?
I really believed I did a great job presenting the material clearly. To be honest, I think I shined above what was created. I created a well balanced atmosphere in the room, and I made sure that every little detail of the presentation was precise, researched, and clear to understand. I worked very hard for this to happen, and I believe I have done a great job in making the 2-hour work.
I don't mean to be overly confident but I believe that a lot for Senior Project. I managed to recover and even save the presentation for how terrible it began Senior Year. I manage to complete to very diverse and very difficult independent components. Not only that I was also able to get a very good mentor for my mentor ship this year worth sixty hours. I think I really brought very good insight to this project and I think I did a very good job in the presentation. I really believe that for what it was worth I was went above and beyond with everything in the very end.
(3) What worked for you in your senior project?
I believe that my independant components really helped out the most. What worked very well for me was community-based learning I used in both. They showed me through learning how to act, and it brought to my attention that drawing from fellow actors is using your community well. Having acting buddies will stimulate an actors energy level, whether good or bad. The Independant Component 1 taught me that people use the community of actors they are involved with to make their performance fit in with everyone else's performance, while my Independant Component 2 taught me that actors allow themselves to experience the aid of many other actors while they can steadily maintain a solo monologue. The Independant Components were the biggest help.
(4) (What didn't
work) If you had a time machine, what would have you done differently
to improve your senior project if you could go back in time?
I would make it so I worked more ahead of time. I don't feel like I procrastinated this year at all, but getting a head start would've been nice. I also would've taken more classes to pick up the slack for my failing grades that are in this year.
(5) Finding
How has the
senior project been helpful to you in your future endeavors? Be specific and use examples.
It has helped my to learn more about acting and I now have friends in the field in which I can now rely on for future jobs (ie, Gregory Cohen from Mentorship). I would also have to say that it gave me my crowning achievement of discovering my product - If there's one thing in my life that I can say with passion that I have taken away from this Senior Year at IPoly, was the concept of making mistakes. The presentations before this one, mistakes I had with mentorship, as well as Independant Components. It was because of these mistakes, that I was able to create a Senior Presentation worth two hours. I find this also applicable to my own life because you have to make the small mistakes now so you can be sure not to make the big mistakes later. The Product is VERY important to me. It has already helped my to live a better life by not procrastinating and taking the time to learn about things beforehand.
It has helped my to learn more about acting and I now have friends in the field in which I can now rely on for future jobs (ie, Gregory Cohen from Mentorship). I would also have to say that it gave me my crowning achievement of discovering my product - If there's one thing in my life that I can say with passion that I have taken away from this Senior Year at IPoly, was the concept of making mistakes. The presentations before this one, mistakes I had with mentorship, as well as Independant Components. It was because of these mistakes, that I was able to create a Senior Presentation worth two hours. I find this also applicable to my own life because you have to make the small mistakes now so you can be sure not to make the big mistakes later. The Product is VERY important to me. It has already helped my to live a better life by not procrastinating and taking the time to learn about things beforehand.
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