Saturday, May 11, 2013

Extra Posts #2

Ten Extra Posts #2

I take a drink from my trusty Vault 13 canteen, and tell you this. I am behind and a wittle scared. That's right – a “wittle”. Let's review what I have to pull off before June 10th. I need to do my 4th Interview (we should be out of my hair soon), Blog 20 (which will be accomplished along with my three-column chart), Wordsmitten word count (this very post is going towards it), my mentorship hours (this will be done before the year's out with blood and sweat), my research, these ten extra posts, and my 2-Hour presentation that I have to wait for, like the quiet before battle. That's right – it's likremy own Wrestlemania match. It's the most important day of my lifewhen I have to combat destiny itself in a no-holds barred, down and dirty, title match for the Diploma Championship – with the world watching! (I got to get to bed.)

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