Saturday, May 11, 2013

Extra Posts #10

Ten Extra Posts #10

I've been thinking about something else rather then spend my time writing these blog posts all day long. I've been thinking of what my life is. I think I'll survive as an adult really well, but it's strange. For 18 years, I've been taken care of. Having to almost do nothing to survive. After high school, there is no school. I'm done. I know that's there college, but I am done. Anywhere I spend half of my life now – I'll get paid for it. Not to mention I know what to expect from a job. Who knows with school. But what will happen to my friends? Will we stay in touch? I want to stay in touch and I see no reason why not. But I've never experienced the rest of my life before. Will it be cool? Will it suck like everyone says it does? Time to experience it myself. This will be the only blog post about this. I want to focus on where I am and what I am doing. That's the most important thing. Time to jump blindly to the final battle. The final conclusion to the epic adventure of Dean Nolan. Dean Nolan - the Dancing Machine, “Double D Lion” or the man with the lion's mane, the awesome dark ninja, king of my domain, and most recently – the second half of the Shamrock Jerries. All of these titles I have been awarded when I have been in school. This is what I am. School has taught me so much about who I am (probably more then subjects) ironically. School is good for something. It really is.

Time to end it. Time to end this Senior Project and graduate from my old life.

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